Youth Development Program Funds Available
Posted Tuesday August 20th, 2024
Youth Development Program (YDP) funds for the program year of October 1, 2024- September 30, 2025 are available and open for applications!
Lewis County was awarded $22,984 total to allocate for youth development program funding. See below for eligibility, requirements, and to access the application.
Funding Eligibility
Programs eligible for funding must meet the criteria below:
- Serve youth under 21 years of age.
- Provide community-level services, opportunities, and supports designed to promote positive youth development.
- Have a non-discrimination policy and not deny youth services based on ethnicity/race, political affiliation, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, physical or other disability, national origin, or any protected characteristic under local, state, and/or federal law.
- Collect data, including participant demographic information, as required by OCFS in a manner that allows for accurate reporting of anonymized aggregate data.
- Demonstrate competency in the areas of governance, monitoring and evaluation, partnership, and financial stewardship
OCFS encourages municipalities to fund a wide variety of youth development programs including, but not limited to, the following:
- Citizenship and Civic Engagement (youth leadership, cultural competency, race equity, etc.)
- Community (youth activism, mentoring, community service, etc.)
- Economic Security (career development, life skills, etc.)
- Physical and Emotional Health (seasonal activities like summer camp, opportunities for creative expression, etc.)
- Education (“out-of-school time” programming to support educational engagement like drop-out prevention services, etc.)
- Family (conflict resolution supports like restorative practices, etc.)
Application Deadline: Friday September 20th, 2024
Will give applicants the option to present to the Youth Bureau on September 26th at 6pm at DSS before funding decisions are made. 5 minutes allotted for each presentation and will not be judged differently if unable to make it.
Application: Youth Development Narrative Application oct2024-sept2025_Fillable
Forms to submit with application:
OCFS-5001 Individual Program Application
OCFS-5002 Agency Program Profile
OCFS-5003 Individual Program Application – Program Summary
Appendix C YOUTH BUREAU Budget 24-25
Documents for guidance on filling out application/forms:
Appendix B Features of Positive Youth Developmental Settings