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Foster Care

Lewis County foster care addresses the needs of children who are placed in the care and custody of the county Commissioner of Social Services pursuant to court action relative to child abuse or maltreatment, juvenile delinquency, or persons in need of supervision. Foster and adoptive parents open their hearts and homes to children in our community who can no longer stay with their families for a variety of reasons.  Our foster homes are a temporary placement and last resort after all other options have been considered to assure the child’s safety. For more information visit:  Become a Foster Parent | Foster Care | OCFS (opens in a new window)

KinShip Services

Lewis County embraces the family first initiative and often seeks relatives and fictive kin when children need to be removed from their home.  These placements can be done via family court awarding custody to the relative or fictive kin, or via KinShip foster care, where the relative becomes a certified foster parent for the agency. For more information on KinShip visit:  Kinship Care in New York State | Kinship | OCFS (opens in a new window)