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The child support program provides custodial parents with assistance in obtaining financial support and medical insurance coverage for their children by locating parents, establishing paternity, establishing/enforcing support orders, and collecting and distributing child support payments. For more information regarding New York Child Support or to apply for Child Support Services please visit or call the NYS Customer Service Helpline: 1-888-208-4485

Call Our Helpline: 1-888-208-4485

August is Child Support Awareness Month

The Child Support Program is part of the front line for providing assistance to children.  Children with one parent residing outside of the home are entitled to the same benefits as children living with both parents, and the New York State Child Support Program is about collecting money for children with at least one parent living outside of the home.  In 1975, single parent households created by divorce and out-of -wedlock births were putting a strain on public assistance programs.  Congress added Title IV-D to the Social Security Act to establish the Child Support Program, with the intent to reduce the need for public assistance to single parent households by obtaining support from legally responsible non-custodial parents.  Several amendments have been made to the federal child support laws through the years including the ability for immediate income withholding orders, expediting the establishment of child support orders, intercepting tax refunds, applying liens and seizing property, and reporting delinquencies to credit reporting agencies.  The Child Support unit works closely with the Temporary Assistance and Services units to recuperate funds expended by the agency for care of children in homes receiving temporary assistance and for children in foster care. The Child Support Program has a federal level, state level and a local level.  The responsibilities of our local Child Support Enforcement Unit (CSEU) are as follows:
  • Interact with customers and employers.
  • Locate absent parents.
  • Filing petitions to establish parentage and support.
  • Assist both custodial and non-custodial parents with filing modification petitions to obtain right sized orders.
  • Attend court proceedings.
  • Resolve challenges to enforcement measures.
The effectiveness of the Child Support Program is monitored by a set of performance measures:
  • Paternity Establishment Percentage (PEP) – Lewis County CSEU is ranked #9 in the state.
  • Support Establishment Percentage (SEP) – Lewis County CSEU is ranked #4 in the state.
  • Collections on Current Support
  • Collections on Arrears – Lewis County CSEU is ranked #1 in the state.
  • Cost Effectiveness
August is Child Support Awareness Month, and is intended to raise awareness about a critical income support program that serves one out of every five children in the U.S.

Child Support Services

Every Child Has the Right to Support from Both Parents

The Child Support Program in New York State can work with you to:

  • Establish legal fatherhood for a child.
  • Find a noncustodial parent.
  • Obtain a support order from court for a child, including provisions for health care coverage, as well as child care and educational expenses.
  • Collect child support payments from the noncustodial parent.
  • Take action when there is unpaid child support.
  • Review your support order for a cost of living adjustment.
  • Assist in filing a modification petition.
  • Take any of these actions across state lines.

Who is eligible for services?

Individuals eligible for services include either parent, an alleged father, or a guardian (non-parent caregiver with physical custody of a child under the age of 21).If you have applied for or are receiving public assistance for a child, child support services are automatically provided unless seeking child support services may result in physical or emotional harm to you or your child.

What are child support services?

Once you apply, the following services are provided by our program. These services are available whether or not the noncustodial parent lives in New York State. There is a $35 annual service fee, if you have never received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and the Child Support Program collects at least $550 for you during the federal fiscal year (which begins October 1st each year).

Paternity Establishment

If needed, we will help you establish legal fatherhood by voluntary acknowledgment or through family court by filing a petition to establish paternity. We also arrange for DNA testing to help determine paternity.

Location of Noncustodial Parents

Computer and local searches are used to find the noncustodial parent, if you do not know where he or she lives or works.

Support Establishment

To get the child support you are legally entitled to, you need an order from the court. We will help you file a petition with family court to get a support order that is based on the following child support guidelines.


The calculation of the basic child support obligation paid by the noncustodial parent starts with a fixed percentage of the combined parental income, based upon how many children will be covered by the order.
  • 1 child………………………………………………17%
  • 2 children……………………………………….25%
  • 3 children……………………………………….29%
  • 4 children………………………………………..31%
  • 5 or more…………………………… least 35%
To calculate the basic child support obligation, a parent’s income is reduced by certain federal, local, and social security taxes. Income used for the calculation includes workers’ compensation, disability payments, unemployment benefits, and other forms of income. The percentage guideline is applied to almost all income up to $148,000 (as of 2018). This “cap” is revised every other year (to see the current year’s “cap” amount visit

Other Amounts

In addition to the percentage amount, the court must increase the child support obligation to cover any future reasonable health care expenses not covered by insurance. The court may also increase the obligation to cover reasonable child care expenses if the custodial parent is working, in school, or in a vocational training program. In addition, the court may increase the obligation to cover the reasonable educational expenses of the child.

Support Collection

The court will order the noncustodial parent to pay child support to the Support Collection Unit (SCU). The SCU will keep track of the payments and send them to the custodial parent. Parents may obtain payment information using their personal identification number (PIN) by visiting the New York State child support website at or calling 888-208-4485. If you do not have a PIN, please call 888-208-4485 (TTY 866-875-9975).

Support Enforcement — Administrative

The SCU will send an income withholding order to the noncustodial parent’s employer directing the employer to remit payments as directed in the court order. If payments fall behind, the SCU can collect unpaid support by seizing tax refunds, lottery winnings, and bank accounts, by suspending driver licenses, denying passports, and notifying credit reporting agencies of unpaid child support. The SCU can also refer the case to the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance for collection.

Support Enforcement — Court

When administrative enforcement is not successful, the SCU can assist you in filing a violation petition with family court. To enforce child support, the court can order money judgments; order that hearings take place to suspend State issued business, professional, recreational, or occupational licenses; or issue probation or jail sentences.

Health Insurance Benefits Establishment and Enforcement

Your child is legally entitled to health insurance coverage, if it is available from either parent. We will help you file a petition with family court to get this coverage if it is available through the noncustodial parent’s employer.

Review and Adjustment

The SCU can periodically review your support order to determine if a cost of living adjustment to the child support amount is appropriate. Be sure to keep your address updated to get the notice of your right to request a cost of living adjustment.


The SCU can assist you in filing a petition to modify your child support order based on a substantial change in circumstance, a three year passage of time, or a 15% or more change in the income of either parent.

Legal Services

The SCU can help you file a petition to modify your child support order based on a change in custody or either parent’s job loss or inability to work.

How can you help us help you?

When you call the Child Support Helpline or visit your local Child Support office to apply for services, be prepared to provide as much information as you can about yourself, the child(ren), and the noncustodial parent.

Please provide as much information as possible, including the noncustodial parent’s:

  • Full name and date of birth.
  • Current or last known address and phone number.
  • Current or last known work address and phone number.
  • Social Security number (look on old pay stubs, or tax, military, or medical records).
  • Income information (tax records, pay stubs, bank and business records).
  • Health insurance coverage information.

Please provide other helpful information such as:

  • The child’s birth certificate.
  • Acknowledgment of paternity or order of filiation.
  • Your marriage license.
  • Your divorce decree or separation agreement.
  • Any child support orders you already have.
  • Your income information (tax records, pay stubs, bank records).
  • Information about your child-related expenses and the child’s needs.
  • Information about health care coverage available to you.

How do you contact us?

For general information regarding the Child Support Program visit the New York State child support website at or call 888-208-4485 (TTY 866-875-9975). You can find the application for child support services on the website, or at the local Child Support office. You can also make your child support payments online by visiting: