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Sheriff’s Office

5252 Outer Stowe St
Lowville, NY 13367
Michael Carpinelli, Sheriff

Jason McIntosh, Undersheriff

Main Office
Anonymous Tip Line

Serving the Citizens of Lewis County Since 1805.
The Sheriff’s Department in Lewis County, NY is a law enforcement agency responsible for the management of Lewis County jails and inmates and promoting public peace and safety through policing. Sheriff’s Offices are tasked with patrolling areas not within the jurisdiction of the local Police Department. The Department is responsible for managing local court orders and judgments, including foreclosures, tax delinquencies, subpoenas, and repossessions.

E 911 Address Maintenance Office

Candy Akin
Director of Real Property Tax


7660 N. State Street
Lowville, NY 13367

Assigns all addresses for property within Lewis County.

Maintains all telephone number lists of residents within Lewis County. If you change numbers please call 315-376-3511 to report.

Maintains official roads map for Lewis County. Map includes all roads and trails including address ranges between intersections.

Maintains a list of emergency service agencies responsible for each address within Lewis County.

Maintains a book of all dispatch protocols based on emergency type and address of the emergency.

Maintains all equipment associated with call taking and dispatch.

Assigns all addresses for property within Lewis County.


911 dial capability is now available in Lewis County. Please limit your use of 911 to true emergencies. It is very important that you mark your home or business with the correct address. Call 315-376-5336 if you need your address, or wish to add information to your listing.

Hours of Operation:
Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Sheriff Carpinelli – E911 Director
Phone: (315)376-3511
Outer Stowe Street
Lowville, NY 13367

Civil Division Contact

Deputy Thomas H. Dubach
P.O. Box 233, Outer Stowe Street
Lowville, NY 13367
Phone: (315)376-5253
Fax: (315)376-5232

Current Job Postings