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Trail System FAQs

There are many OHV events during the summer; poker runs, ATV Expo, and family rides. Check the Naturally Lewis calendar of events for more details.

What does Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) include on the County’s Trail System?

The Trail system access includes dirt bikes, ATV’s and side by sides up to 2000 lbs.

Why do I have to purchase a permit to ride my Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) on the County’s Trail System?

The County implemented the permit system as a means of paying for the cost of establishing and maintaining the Trail System, which included County reforestation lands, and private land-owner trails.

Permit money is also used for expansion of the Trail System. The Lewis County Trail system is the first of its kind in New York State and we believe will provide OHV enthusiasts with a riding experience that is second to none. The development and maintenance of this system, however, is not without cost. A permit system is the most appropriate mechanism to ensure that those who benefit the most from the Trail System pay for the cost to operate it.

How much does a permit cost?

The Family Plan discount remains in effect and available to anyone purchasing or renewing multiple ATV permits for their household for the ATV riding season. Proof of Insurance is also required.

$65.00 for the first OHV, $20.00 for each additional OHV. There is a $20 Season Permit Discount if you are a member of a Local Club with an active Lewis County Trail Agreement. The county is offering a three-day pass. Any three consecutive days – $20 per pass, per machine.

Am I buying a permit for myself or for my OHV?

Permits for the Lewis County trail system will be issued per machine, not per person. Each permit will include a decal that must be attached in a visible location on the front left side of the permitted OHV.

Is there a map of the Trail System?

Yes, maps are available and updated every year with changes which depict all of the OHV riding available within the Lewis County Trail System. Remember, the system is ever changing and expanding. Be sure to follow trail signs and stay on designated trails.

Where does my permit application money go?

All permit fees will be placed in a dedicated recreational trails fund and used exclusively for the establishment, enforcement, maintenance, and operation of the Trail System. This money will not go into the general fund and will only be spent on recreational trails in the County.

When does the trail system open?

The trail system is scheduled to open April 1st based on conditions (late spring will delay opening) and closes the Tuesday after Columbus Day in October but can change due to weather and trail conditions.

Who May Operate an OHV?

How old do I have to be to operate an OHV on the Trail System? Children ages 14-15 must be accompanied by an adult 18 or older OR must have successfully completed an ATV safety course and carry the course completion certificate when operating any OHV.

What’s the speed limit on the ATV trail system?

The speed limit for OHV’s on the Trail System is 25 mph, unless otherwise posted.

Where will the permit requirement be enforced?

The entire Lewis County Trail System is patrolled by the Lewis County Sheriff’s office. Patrols will ride through the entire system to enforce all rules and regulations. Permits are required for all off road trails but a permit is not required for the Town and County roads that are opened for ATV access.

What are the fines for violating rules and regulations for the trail system?

For riding without a permit, fines are $250 for the first offense and $500 and a permanent revocation of access and your OHV can be confiscated. Other fines are for riding on areas outside of the designated trails: $500 for the first offense, machine compounded thereafter; altering trails to created hazards $500 first offense, $1000 thereafter, and violating traffic rules $250 for first offense, $500 thereafter.

I am new to OHV riding, are there any safety courses available?

Yes, the Tug Hill ATV Association and some area ATV clubs offer safety courses. Call the ATV Clubs for more information