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Sustainably Lewis

Sustainably Lewis is a consortium of Lewis County officials and members of the community to facilitate effective collaboration on sustainability initiatives. Our goal is to bring socially responsible, environmentally sound, and economically viable solutions that create healthy, resilient, sustainable communities.

Mitigating the Projections

NYS Climate Smart Communities

Lewis County became a designated bronze Climate Smart Community (CSC)  in October 2023. Lewis County passed the CSC pledge as a municipal resolution on December 2, 2020 to join the program and become a Registered Climate Smart Community. The CSC program supports local governments in New York State in leading their communities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to the effects of climate change, and thrive in a green economy. There are more than 100 eligible actions that can earn points towards CSC certification. These actions are organized under the 10 CSC Pledge elements:

1. Build A Climate-Smart Community

Building a local team to foster positive change by designating a point person and creating a CSC task force with community members. Connect to larger networks by joining a regional or national climate campaign focused on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or enhancing sustainability. 

2. Inventory Emissions, Set Goals, and Plan for Climate Action

Gather data about local GHG emission sources. Develop baseline emissions inventories for government operations and the community. Develop a local action plan for reducing emissions that includes specific GHG  reduction targets and strategies to achieve those targets.

3. Decrease Energy Use

Lead by example. Reduce emissions and save taxpayer dollars by reducing energy demand in public facilities, infrastructure, and vehicle fleets, and maximizing energy efficiency across municipal operations.

4. Shift to Clean, Renewable Energy

Adopt a policy to power government operations with clean energy. Conduct studies to examine the feasibility of renewable energy installations on public property. Implement renewable energy projects such as solar, wind, geothermal, or small hydro.

5. Use Climate-Smart Materials Management

Reduce the volume of solid waste and increase recycling in government operations. Encourage and support waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting of materials. Educate the community and offer recycling and composting programs, and waste-diversion opportunities that focus on reducing and reusing materials. 

6. Implement Climate-Smart Land Use

Minimize the GHG impact of new development through smart-growth strategies. Adopt community plans, land-use policies, building codes, and multi-modal transportation actions to limit sprawl, reduce vehicle miles traveled, support local agriculture, and protect open lands, wetlands, and forests. 

7. Enhance Community Resilience to Climate Change

Establish a climate resiliency vision and associated goals, identify vulnerabilities to climate change effects for both government operations and the community, and develop and implement strategies to address those vulnerabilities and increase overall community resilience.

8. Support A Green Innovation Economy

Lead and support the transition to a green economy by incorporating climate action and sustainability into economic development plans. Promote local green industries and offer incentives for supporting them. Adopt policies that support residents and businesses in being energy-efficient. Invest in green jobs training, farmers’ markets, and brownfield redevelopment.

9. Inform and Inspire the Public

Host events and organize campaigns to educate citizens about climate change and help them discover their role in building a low-emission community that is attractive, healthy, and equitable. Create websites, and use social media outlets to publicize the local government’s commitment to reducing GHG emissions and adapting to a changing climate.

10. Engage in an Evolving Process of Climate Action

Monitor and report on progress toward achieving goals. Engage with community members on an ongoing basis as part of considering new ideas and modifying strategies as opportunities emerge and technologies evolve. Update strategies and plans. Share success stories and cooperate with neighboring communities.

Task Force

The CSC Task Force promotes and supports climate action, mitigation, and adaptation across Lewis County government and in the community. Task Force members include community volunteers, nonprofit organizations, municipal officials, and staff from various County departments.

Lauryn Tabolt

Community Development Specialist / Climate Smart Communities Coordinator

Lewis County Planning & Community Development

Tim Hunt


Lewis County Highway Department

Joe Lawrence

Sr. Extension Associate


Matt O’Connor


Lewis County Buildings & Grounds

Nichelle Swisher

District Manager

Lewis County Soil & Water Conservation District

Kaylee Tabolt

Economic & Tourism Development Specialist

Naturally Lewis, Inc.

Ashley Waite


Lewis County Public Health

Clean Energy Communities

This NYSERDA initiative supports local government leaders across the State to implement energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable development projects in their communities. In 2017, Lewis County became the first community in the North Country region to earn Clean Energy Community designation. 

To earn the Clean Energy Community designation, Lewis County completed the following high-impact clean energy actions:

  • Deployed an alternative fuel vehicle and an electric vehicle charging station to encourage clean transportation options.
  • Approved an energy benchmarking policy to track and report energy use in the County’s municipal buildings.
  • Adopted the New York State Unified Solar Permit to streamline the approvals process for local solar projects.
  • Completed energy code enforcement training on best practices in energy code enforcement for code compliance officers and other municipal officials.

Take Action!

Ten tips to encourage sustainability in our community:

1. Community Garden

Community gardens hold a multitude of benefits. They create an inviting space for people to gather, make fresh produce available to the neighborhood and promote a deeper connection with your food sources.

Tip: Get people involved. Just because someone doesn’t want to be weeding tomatoes doesn’t mean they can’t join in! Individuals with experience in education, maintenance, or fundraising will be major assets to the garden’s success.

2. Reward System

Encourage local businesses and residents to be sustainable — then recognize their efforts. By rewarding their commitment to being green, you create a positive space to talk about sustainability.

Tip: Do some research on the many sustainable award systems out there. The Sustainable City AwardsClimate Protection Agreement Awards and the Arbor Day Foundation “Tree City USA” are great places to start.

3. Water Conservation

Engaging your community in water conservation can be a fun and dynamic process. When people talk about water conservation, they often mean taking shorter showers, bringing a reusable water bottle to work or turning off the sprinkler. However, there are tons of other ways to conserve water in your area.

Tip: Ask your employer if there are ways to reduce your company’s water footprint. Help them find cost-effective solutions while reducing consumption.

4. Waste-Free Activities

Start a conversation about how your region can better deal with waste at events such as festivals and fairs. Talk with event coordinators, service providers and facilities management about how to source more sustainably.

Tip: Make a small change and a significant impact by diversifying your waste streams at the next community event. If available in your area, look into a compost bin and recycling initiative, or ask if local farms will take food scraps.

5. Transportation

The most significant sources of outdoor carbon monoxide pollution are vehicles. In urban areas — and some rural parts of the country — public transit and carpooling are becoming easily accessible. Be mindful of how much you drive. Look for ways to make your daily commute without using a vehicle.

Tip: Identify alternative commute options. By riding with a neighbor or taking the bus, you can save money and reduce your carbon footprint.

6. Energy-Efficient Buildings and Appliances

Reducing your carbon footprint doesn’t mean you need to make sacrifices or isolate yourself from society. Make energy usage a competition within your community. Whether it be through using less conventional electrical power at home or switching to a renewable source, you can highlight the benefits of saving energy and money.

Tip: Compare and contrast the higher installation costs of sustainable electricity — such as solar panels — with how much you could save on utility bills.

7. Sustainability-Focused Groups

Establishing and supporting sustainability-focused groups rallies the population around a common goal. Working with a group of people to tackle a project is a great way to affect change. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to connect with new individuals in a fun and enjoyable way!

Tip: Identify your community’s primary goals for going green. For example, the Institute for Sustainable Communities names four main facets — leadership, civic engagement and responsibility, ecological integrity and social well-being.

8. Local Businesses

The global economy makes a substantial environmental impact. By buying from local businesses, you support more jobs, reduce your carbon footprint and invest in your community.

Tip: See if there are local businesses in your area that sell products you usually buy at a box store or online. Buy necessities at local markets when possible.

9. Composting

An estimated 50% of U.S. produce is tossed out. Tackle food waste by composting in your backyard, or look into a local composting solution. In many locations, there are commercial compost companies that will pick up garbage and process it.

Tip: If your current living situation doesn’t allow for composting, check out compost pickup services or ask a neighbor if they know anyone who can.

10. Slow Fashion

Sustainability is all about making informed decisions on what you consume. Fast fashion involves creating cheap, mass-produced textiles with short lifespans yet major ecological impacts. It takes 20,000 liters of water to produce just one kilogram of cotton.

Tip: Support secondhand thrift stores, lead a neighborhood clothing exchange or donate items you no longer need to the local homeless shelter.

Tell Us About What You’re Doing!

The most effective sustainability strategies involve making simple adaptations in your daily life. Consider the main ways you consume resources, whether that be your grocery bill, energy bill, or gas mileage. By simplifying how you use resources, you can make an impact. When a whole community supports sustainability, great things can happen.

What sustainability efforts are you doing? Let Lauryn Tabolt ( know for a chance to be featured on our website or Facebook page for your efforts!

Community Choice Aggregation

Your Community, Your Choice.

If you would like to know more, have a personal meeting with Joule or ask Joule questions; please contact Megan Krokowski and she will get you in touch with the Joule CCA associate.