Grant Headquarters
Welcome to the latest edition of the Lewis County Planning & Community Development Grant Newsletter. Below you will find a non-exhaustive list of grant & funding updates, training opportunities, important updates, and latest grant awards and initiatives within our department.

Completed Project Spotlight

Bonaparte Pharmacy
Facade and Streetscape Improvement Program, Round 1

Canal Basin Park
Facade and Streetscape Improvement Program, Round 2

Constableville Recreational Center
Facade and Streetscape Improvement Program, Round 2

Cedar Bridge Properties, Double Play Batting Cages and Homes Realty Display
Facade and Streetscape Improvement Program, Round 2

Chuck’s Market
Facade and Streetscape Improvement Program, Round 1

Croghan Free Library
Facade and Streetscape Improvement Project, Round 2

Crumbs. Bakeshop
Facade and Streetscapes Improvement Program, Round 2

Good Ol’ Wishy’s
Facade and Streetscape Improvement Program, Round 1

Krista Brown Photography
Facade and Streetscape Improvement Program, Round 2

National Abstract
Facade and Streetscape Improvement Program, Round 1

Old Key Bank
Facade and Streetscape Improvement Program, Round 2

Shut the Front Door, LLC – Rental Property
Facade and Streetscape Improvement Program, Round 2

Town of Diana Historical Museum
Facade and Streetscape Improvement Program, Round 1

Tug Hill Artisan Roasters
New York Main Street and Restore New York Funding
This is an ongoing project, with more improvements still to come!

West Leyden Pocket Park
Facade and Streetscapes Improvement Program, Round 2
Grant & Funding Opportunities
Updated: January 15, 2025
Disadvantaged Community Air Pollution Mitigation Opportunity
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is pleased to announce funding for projects that will implement State assistance funding through the Disadvantaged Community Air Pollution Mitigation Grant program to support Indian Nations/Tribal Organizations and not-for-profit(NFP) community-based organizations in Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) and Environmental Justice (EJ) Areas for projects that address ambient air pollution mitigation strategies. The focus should be on evaluating the effectiveness of mitigation strategies so that effective strategies can be replicated in other communities across the State. The data collected will be made publicly available.
Community Environmental Education Center Grant
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the Office of Environmental Justice are providing $7 million in competitive grant funding for community based, not-for-profits and Tribal Organizations that will implement the support of new construction or renovation of a facility to create a Community Environmental Education Center (Center).
The Center should inspire exploration, discovery, and learning about the community’s environment. Eligible projects for grant funding must be located within or serve a Disadvantaged Community (DAC) and/or an Environmental Justice (EJ) Community.
DEC Funding for Local Emergency Food Relief Equipment
The DEC Local Emergency Food Relief Equipment grant is designed to assist 501(c)(3) not-for-profits that provide emergency food relief in New York State. Approximately $1,250,000 is available for eligible equipment purchases, which may include:
- Trucks, refrigerated vehicles, and related equipment
- Cooling equipment such as freezers, refrigerators, walk-ins; and associated installation costs
- Emergency generators and associated installation costs
Projects which combine multiple equipment types are welcome.
Municipal Food Scraps Recycling Grant
This DEC program is designed to assist municipalities in starting or expanding municipal food scraps recycling programs. Approximately $1,250,000 is available for funding of Municipal Food Scraps Recycling Initiatives.
Eligible applicants include municipalities, local public authorities, local public benefit corporations, school districts, and Native American tribes.
Rural Communities Opioid Response Program – Pathways
The Health Resources and Services Administration’s Rural Communities Opioid Response Program – Pathways aims to support rural youth with behavioral health care challenges while also bolstering the behavioral health care workforce in rural communities.
Applicants will establish and work within a network of organizations to engage youth in developing and implementing behavioral health support programming. The first year of the program may be used for planning activities and to formalize a network, and the remaining two years must be dedicated to implementation.
Nonprofits, small businesses, government entities, school districts, and other eligible applicants are encouraged to apply. Up to 12 awards will be made nationally, for up to $400,000 annually.
2025 AARP Community Challenge
In 2025, the AARP Community Challenge is accepting applications across three different grant opportunities. Nonprofit organizations and government entities are encouraged to apply; other applicants may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The three opportunities include:
Flagship Grants
Flagship AARP Community Challenge grants have ranged from several hundred dollars for smaller, short-term activities to tens of thousands of dollars for larger projects. We are accepting applications for projects that benefit residents, especially those age 50 and older, in several categories.
Capacity-Building Microgrants
Combining $2,500 grants with additional resources (such as webinars, cohort learning opportunities, up to 2 hours of one-on-one coaching with leading national nonprofit organizations and AARP publications), this grant opportunity will accept applications for projects that benefit residents, especially those age 50 and older, in several categories.
Demonstration Grants
This opportunity funds projects that encourage the replication of promising local efforts. Grants tend to fall between $10,000 and $20,000 and will not exceed $25,000.
The demonstration grant opportunity will accept applications for projects that benefit residents, especially those age 50 and older, in several categories.
Farmers Supporting Farmers – NYS Office of Mental Health: Statewide Capacity Grant
The Office of Mental Health is seeking one organization or agency with statewide capacity to deliver peer-driven, culturally responsive services to farmers and agribusiness workers and families, including technical assistance to support business and financial needs and wellness supports to promote mental health needs.
In recognition of the disproportionate
suicide burden in rural counties and the elevated risk that farmers and other workers in the agriculture industry carry compared to workers in nonfarming occupations, OMH is announcing the availability of funding for the procurement of a program serving the NYS agricultural workforce over a five-year period.
Local Government Efficiency Program
The Local Government Efficiency (LGE) Grant program is provided to municipalities as a funding opportunity to expand or develop new local service delivery initiatives that will reduce the cost of current or future municipal operations and incorporate enhanced technologies and processes to modernize the delivery of local services. The LGE program requires that local governments work together in these efforts to meet the current and emerging needs of their constituents.

Rural Energy for America Program
USDA Rural Development provides grants, guaranteed loans, and combined grant and guaranteed loan combinations through the REAP program to help agricultural producers and rural small businesses reduce energy costs and consumption and helps meet the Nation’s critical energy needs.
Energy Audits and Renewable Energy Development Assistance
Deadline January 31, 2025
Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Swift Current
Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Swift Current is a mitigation grant program funded by FEMA and administered by the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES).
The FY 2024 Swift Current program includes several eligible project types to mitigate NFIP-insured and FEMA-defined Repetitive Loss (RL), Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) or Substantially Damaged (SD) properties. At this time, up to $20 million has been made available to New York State for FY2024, including up to 15%, or $3 million, for applicant and sub-applicant management costs.
NYSERDA Charging Station Rebate | Charge Ready NY 2.0
Get reimbursed for $4,000 per charging port installed at a public facility, or $2,000 per charging station installed at a workplace or multi-dwelling location.
NYS Septic Replacement Program | Program Area Expanded!
Get reimbursed for 50% of your septic system project, up to $10,000.
Clean Energy Communities Program
The CEC program provides the tools and resources you need to take your community to the next level, with new High Impact Action items and increased access to grant funding.
Naturally Lewis: Upcoming 2025 Funding Opportunities
Naturally Lewis, Inc. is announcing its 2025 funding opportunities with five opportunities for businesses, commercial property owners, community organizations and school districts, and youth. These funding opportunities are:
(1) Building Business Fund,
(2) Business Retention Fund,
(3) Community Connections Fund,
(4) launch Lewis County,
(5) Small Things, Big Impacts Fund,
(6) Student Pitch Competition *Applications Due May 1, 2025*
(7) Vacant Property Revitalization Fund.
Applications for all programs are currently open.
Please contact Kaylee Tabolt at kaylee@naturallylewis,com with any questions.
Orton Family Foundation Community Heart & Soul Grant
The Community Heart & Soul Seed Grant Program is designed for small cities and towns (population 2,500-30,000) provides $10,000 in funding for resident-driven groups in small cities and towns to start the Community Heart & Soul model. Grant funding requires a $10,000 cash match from the participating municipality or a partnering organization.
VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT (VOCA) Victim Assistance Grant Program
The primary purpose of the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Victim Assistance Grant Program is to provide direct services and assistance to victims of crime. OVS is the State Administering Agency (SAA) for the State of New York through which VOCA Victim Assistance Program grants are awarded across the State.
The mission of the Office of Victim Services is to provide compensation to victims of crime, their families, and other eligible individuals in a timely, efficient, and compassionate manner; fund direct services to victims of crime and their families through a network of programs across New York State; and advocate for the rights and benefits of all victims of crime.
Northern Border Regional Commission – Catalyst Grant
The Catalyst Program stimulates economic growth and inspires partnerships that improve rural economic vitality across the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) 4-state region. The Catalyst Program supports a broad range of economic development initiatives that will modernize and expand the region’s basic infrastructure and revitalize communities to support and attract the region’s workforce.
12:30PM – 2:00PM, February 5, 2025
Northern Border Regional Commission – Timber for Transit Grant
The Timber for Transit Program is designed to advance the use of domestic forest products in transportation infrastructure projects across Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont to showcase the capabilities of wood in these applications. Highly competitive projects will demonstrate and widely promote the utility of high value forest products (e.g. glued laminated timber, cross laminated timber, composite materials, etc.) in transportation infrastructure and commit to enhancing climate resilience in rural communities.
11:15AM – 12:15PM, February 5, 2025
Northern Border Regional Commission – Forest Economy Program
The Forest Economy Program is designed to support the forest-based economy, and to assist in the industry’s evolution to include new technologies and viable business models across the 4-state NBRC region.
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, February 5, 2025
Training Opportunities & Resources

The New York State Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials (NYCOM) is an association of, and for, cities and villages in New York. Since 1910, NYCOM has united local government officials in an active statewide network focused on the singular purpose of finding the most effective means of providing essential municipal services. NYCOM is an advocate for city and village interests before the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of state government, as they seek to ensure local home rule for the government closest to the people.
Registrations received after the close of business on January 15th will increase by $15 for members and $30 for non-members. There will be a 15% surcharge for onsite meal purchases.
ENTIRE Meeting Registration and Materials
MEALS: Sunday Reception-Style Dinner, Monday Breakfast, Monday Lunch
Monday Reception
Participation in All Sessions and Tradeshow Breaks
ENTIRE Meeting Registration and Materials
MEALS: Monday Lunch ONLY
Monday Reception
Participation in All Sessions and Tradeshow Breaks
MEALS: Sunday Reception-Style Dinner, Monday Breakfast, Monday Lunch
Monday Reception

Lewis County has been awarded $499,668 through the NYS DOS County-Wide Shared Services Initiative Project Implementation (CWSSIPI) funds, received in January 2023. These funds will significantly enhance our local government operations with two key initiatives:
1. Digital Codification of Municipal Laws
Purpose: Improve accessibility, transparency, and efficiency in legal matters.
Contractor: General Code
Clear, accessible online municipal codes
Editorial and legal analysis to streamline existing codes
Hosted on the innovative eCode360 platform
Customized print copies of the new code
Examples of Municipalities already using the eCode360 Platform:
2. Website and Secure Email Setup for Local Officials
Purpose: Enhance communication and operational efficiency.
Contractor: Coughlin Printing via the Civally platform
Tailored websites for each municipality
Secure ‘.gov’ email addresses
Features: Notice posting, event updates, meeting minutes, and more
Mobile-friendly, accessible, and secure
Example of local municipality using the Civally platform:
This initiative will empower our communities with modern tools for better governance and citizen engagement. For more details or next steps, contact our office!

The NYS Tug Hill Commission and Adirondack Climate Outreach & Resilience Network (ACORN) are excited to invite you on Thursday, January 30 at 5:30 pm to a collaborative brainstorming session to explore the needs and solutions that will help our local communities build resilience to changing weather patterns—such as warmer winters, flooding, and storms. The goal is to bring together community members, local organizations, and leaders like you to share your experiences, concerns, and ideas. Together, we will work to identify proactive solutions that will help our region adapt to these changing conditions. The overall intent is to identify specific needs with the goal of bringing federal, state, and private funding to our area. Your unique regional knowledge and expertise are crucial to this process, and we look forward to hearing your insights and ideas.
ACORN is a partnership of the Adirondack Research Consortium, The Wild Center, and Paul Smith’s College with funding from NYSERDA and the Adirondack Foundation.
Listening Session at Howard G Sackett BOCES Technical Center
Thursday, Jan 30, 5:30-8pm
Check out these Grant Opportunities from our local foundations and community partners!
Daniel J. Briggs Fund for Integrity
This program is administered by the Northern New York Community Foundation, and offers support for bullying prevention and character education programs, as well as professional development for administrators, teachers, staff, and employees of school districts across the region.
Up to $2,500 per applicant.
Contact Assistant Director Max DelSignore for more information at
Safe Schools Endeavor
Administered in partnership with the Northern New York Community Foundation, this grant offers support for programs and projects that empower students, parents, and faculty to nurture the safest campus environment for children and adults in public and private K-12 schools in Jefferson and Lewis counties. Proposals that are student-led or involve close collaboration with students may receive additional weight as funding is considered.
Determinations will be made in December 2024.
Contact steering committee Chairwoman Erika Flint for more information, at
Youth Philanthropy Council Funds
The Youth Philanthropy Council of the Northern New York Community Foundation administers funds to support nonprofit organizations serving all residents through programs and projects that enhance the quality of life in communities across the region — not limited to youth programs.
There is up to $20,000 available in funds for 2024. Grants will be determined in June 2025.
Contact Director of Stewardship and Programs Kraig Everard for more information at
Northern New York Community Foundation – Region-Specific Legacy Grant Programs
While the grant period for 2024 is closed, the following legacy grant programs are administered by the Northern New York Community Foundation on an annual basis in Lewis County.
Kenneth V. and Jeannette Remp Sawyer Community Fund
Communities served: Boonville, Constableville and Westernville
Purpose: Support for programs, projects and initiatives that enhance the quality of life for residents of all ages.
Funding available: Up to $60,000
George R. Davis Fund for Lowville
Communities served: Village and Town of Lowville
Purpose: Support for programs, projects and initiatives that impact the quality of life for residents of the Village and Town of Lowville.
Funding available: Up to $15,000
Contact Assistant Director Max DelSignore for more information at
Pratt Northam Foundation Community Grant
Pratt Northam Foundation seeks to fund projects which will benefit the Black River Valley area by providing financial support to not-for-profit organizations fulfilling community needs which neither government nor private enterprise could reasonably accomplish. Such needs, the directors have maintained, may be cultural, educational, or civic.
Criteria used for the evaluation and potential approval of grant applications are:
- Projects and opportunities for young people, and also considers other innovative initiatives.
- Initiatives that have broad community support and can demonstrate substantial matching funds.
Pratt Northam Foundation Workership Grant Program
The Pratt Northam Workership Program provides 350 hours of summer employment at minimum wage for students accepted and enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate academic program at a two-year or four-year college for the following Fall semester.
Not-for-profit and government programs delivering services in the area between Boonville and Carthage are urged to apply to sponsor a Workership position(s). Sites are selected based upon the following criteria:
- Workership position provides programming directly to youth.
- Workership position indirectly supports programming for youth.
- Workership position provides a quality work experience helping a college student build skills and credentials towards a career path.
- Workership position relates to the student’s field of study. The student receives internship or academic credit for the summer work.
For more information on becoming a Workership site in 2025, contact the Foundation at