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Home Care Services

Many older adults need assistance with a variety of daily tasks due to a chronic health condition or challenges with mobility or cognitive function. Home care services are available to eligible individuals whose level of functioning clearly limits, or places at risk, their ability to remain in the home or participate in family or community life, or whose ability to perform activities of daily living is limited due to frailty, disability, low income, absence of family and friends, or limited mobility. This situation could be brought on by a recent change in health, hospital stay, or chronic disability. The individuals must not be eligible to receive identical services from other sources such as Medicaid, VA, Medicare, or the Department of Social Services. Home Care Aides help individuals with exercises, personal care such as bathing and dressing, meal preparation, light housekeeping, and assistance shopping. An OFA Case Manager partners with the individual and their support system to coordinate services and supports such as transportation to physician’s offices, home delivered meals, and application to public benefit programs. This service is a New York State funded program called EISEP (Elderly and Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly (opens in a new window). Cost Share Clients are required to share the cost of services, based on income. These costs are determined by a sliding scale and range from no-cost to full-cost. Consumer Directed Care Consumer Directed In-Home Services (CDIS) allows you to choose the aide who works in your home. You hire, train and supervise the aide. Your aide can be your friend, neighbor, or family member with some exceptions. YOU take control of your care. You will develop a care plan with your Case Manager and you must be willing to make informed choices regarding your care. Your OFA Case Manager can assist you with planning for your home care needs. You also can choose a friend or eligible family member to act as your designated representative to assist in care planning and decision making about your home care. Download the Consumer Directed Brochure (opens in a new window). For more information about home care services call the Lewis County Office for the Aging & NY Connects at 315-376-5432.

Caregivers Respite Program

Respite care provides short-term relief for primary caregivers. It can be arranged for just an afternoon or for several days or weeks. Respite can be beneficial to…..
  • Allow your loved one to meet new people
  • Allow yourself time to visit with friends and/or relatives
  • “Recharge” your batteries by having time to yourself
  • Safeguard your mental and physical health
  • Prevent Caregiver “burnout!”
The Respite program is available to any caregiver who is caring for someone 60 years of age or older.  The care-receiver must reside with them and require assistance with at least 1 ADL (activity of daily living) such as dressing, eating, or walking.  All Respite services are provided by a trained, professional home care aide who often personal care during their stay with the individual. An OFA Case Manager visits the home to evaluate the needs of the caregiver and care-receiver.  The care-receiver must not be eligible to receive identical services from other sources such as Medicaid, VA, Hospice, or a long term care insurance plan. Caregiver Resources The Lewis County Office for the Aging assists informal caregivers – spouses, adult children, other family members, friends, and neighbors – in their effort to care for older persons. For more information about caregiver support call the Lewis County Office for the Aging & NY Connects at 315-376-5432. It can be hard to find the right resources. Even harder when you don’t have any time. The New York State Office for the Aging and the Association on Aging has launched the New York Caregiver Portal (opens in a new window). This platform is available now for caregivers of all ages, caring for people of all ages and includes free personalized online training for challenging care situations at home. . It uses low band width so works well on all platforms.  No app is required.