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Office for the Aging


PO Box 193
5274 Outer Stowe Street
Lowville, NY 13367

Office Hours
Monday-Friday; 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

The mission of the Lewis County Office for the Aging is to promote the well-being of the older adults of Lewis County through coordinated services that enhance their independence, dignity, and quality of life.

Your Link to Long Term Services and Supports

The Lewis County Office for the Aging is a federally designated Area Agency on Aging (AAA). The role of AAA is to plan, coordinate, advocate and develop a comprehensive service system to meet the short and long-term needs of older adults in the County. AAAs work with Federal, State, and local officials, senior constituents, and service providers to coordinate existing services and to stimulate new ones. Each AAA prepares a multi-year Area Plan which identifies the needs of that area’s older adults and specifies which services will be provided to meet those needs. 

The services provided by the Lewis County Office for the Aging are provided either directly by the County or by contractors of the County. The services are funded by Lewis County, the New York State Office for the Aging, the Federal Administration on Aging, and contributions or fees from program participants. Services can be obtained by calling 315-376-5313, coming in person to the OFA office Monday – Friday, 8:30 to 4:30 or calling to arrange a home visit. 

Learn more about Aging Services and Supports

Staff Directory

Carla Hellinger


Chris Baker

Coordinator, Services for the Aging

Adrienne Clark

Principal Account Clerk

Kurtis Dicob

Meal Program Coordinator

Jane Fenton

Office Specialist

Shannon Frappier-Farney

Aging Services Specialist

Steve Virkler

Aging Services Specialist

Chris Zehr

Aging Services Specialist

Ashley Giboo

Aging Services Specialist

Nancy Wolff

Administrative Assistant