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Lewis County Jail

5252 Outer Stowe St
Lowville, NY 13367
Tim Thayer II

The mission of the Lewis County Jail is to ensure the safety of our citizens, correctional staff and inmates of Lewis County. Operated by a highly qualified and dedicated staff, the Lewis County jail is able to provide a safe, secure and human centralized location for screening and classification for all inmates. Life in a correctional facility, like anywhere else, is governed by rules and regulations. This Facility does not discriminate against anyone, with regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, prior arrest, or conviction record.

The dual functions of this facility is the maintenance of those who are held in custody pending disposition of their respective cases, by the court (unsentenced) and those who are committed by the judge for a definite period of time (sentenced). This Facility will house boarded in inmates from surrounding areas as well as civil confinements (Family Court).

In an institution of this nature, it is necessary to establish rules and regulations for the safety, security and good order of the facility.  All inmates and visitors will comply with facility rules, regulations and procedures, which have been set forth for the well being of all concerned. Any failure to comply with rules by inmate or visitor may result in visitors removal from the facility and discipline for the inmate.

Visitation Rules and Regulations


Contact visits are allowed in this facility two (2) days per week on Wednesday and Saturday. There are three (3) sessions each day. Sessions run 12:00 to 1:00, 1:30 to 2:30 and 3:00 to 4:00. Officers may assign seats to inmates and/or visitors without cause. Visitation sessions will be scheduled by officers.


Visitors must sign-up for visitation no less than seven (7) days prior to the day they wish to attend.


Liquids, food, gum, bottles, or candy are prohibited (list not all inclusive).


Your visitors must arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled visit. Visitors that show up less than 15 minutes early will be turned away no exceptions. Visitors must dress appropriately. The following Items are not allowed to be worn for visitation by visitors: tank tops, sleeveless shirts, V-necks or below the collar bone shirts, mesh, see through or translucent clothing, hooded sweatshirts, shorts more than 3” inches above the knee, sunglasses, ANY Jewelry except wedding band. Jackets or heavy clothing are also not to be worn by visitors. Hair bands or any other clothing will be searched by lobby officers for contraband. Searches may go as far as pat search of incoming visitors. Anyone not in compliance with these rules will not be allowed entrance to visitation. Visitors must pass successfully through the metal detector to attend visitation.


You will be allowed two (2) one-hour sessions per week. You should schedule these sessions in advance but walk in visitors will be accommodated if space.


You will not be allowed to schedule two sessions for the same day. A change in visitation time must be made one (1) week in advance.


You will only be allowed to have two visitors per visitation. Infants and small children (4 years and under) who are carried and do not occupy a seat do not count as a visitor. Visitors under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The parent or legal guardian must accompany the minor into the visitation room. Inmates will not be recognized as a person to authorize this visit.


Children will not be allowed to run, scream, or unreasonably disturb the other visitors. If children are disruptive to other visitors, they and their parent/guardian will be asked to leave visitation early. Children are not allowed to sit or stand on the counter.


An initial embrace and kiss are allowed only over the center partition. A departing embrace and kiss are also allowed, again, over the center partition. The allowed kiss must be a brief, closed mouth kiss. Leaning over the center partition is not allowed. There will be no contact allowed other than the initial and departing greeting.


An initial embrace and kiss are allowed only over the center partition. A departing embrace and kiss are also allowed, again, over the center partition. The allowed kiss must be a brief, closed mouth kiss. Leaning over the center partition is not allowed. There will be no contact allowed other than the initial and departing greeting.


When the visit is over, the visitors will leave the room first. The inmate will remain seated until told to leave the room.


Visitation may be canceled at any time due to an emergency in the facility.


Any visitor who attempts to bring contraband in or out of the visitation room will be subject to criminal charges. Absolutely nothing will be passed between the visitor and the inmate. Anyone caught passing anything to an inmate will have their visit terminated and if the item is determined to be contraband, both the inmate and the visitor will be subject to arrest. The inmate will lose contact visits with all visitors.

Inmates guilty of promoting prison contraband either by NYS law and/or the inmate rule book will not be allowed to attend visitation after their release.


Visitors on probation and/or parole must produce a letter from the supervising probation or parole officer that they may attend visitation which specifies the inmate(s) they are approved to visit.


Visits may be restricted based on suspicion of contraband. All inmates and visitors affected by loss of, or restricted visit will be notified in writing by the Chief Administrative Officer.

Bail Procedures

Bail may be posted at this Facility at any time.  Bail must be paid in cash, money order, certified bank check (made out to Lewis County Sheriff’s Office) or credit/debit card through GovPay. No Personal Checks will be accepted. No remote bails will be accepted. GovPay may be reached at 888-604-7888.

Bail may also be posted through the services of a Bondsman of your choice.  Bail Bondsmen are to be contacted by your family, friends or attorney. 



Incoming general mail will be opened, logged and inspected for the presence of contraband.  Any contraband will be confiscated, investigated and prosecuted in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.


Incoming non-privileged mail will be photocopied and placed in your personals. The inmate will receive the photocopy.


Mail without a full return name will be sent back “return to sender”. Mail without a return address will be put into your personal property after it is checked for money for your commissary account.


Incoming and outgoing mail is processed each business day.


Legal mail will be opened, inspected, and photocopied in your presence. The original will be sealed in a bag and placed in your personals. You will receive the copy.


You are not allowed to correspond with other inmates incarcerated in ANY facility; this includes other inmates in Lewis County Jail. This includes via tablets.


You will NOT change your legal address through the United States Postal Service to PO Box 233, Lowville, NY


Mail will be collected, logged, stamped “INMATE MAIL” and placed in outgoing mail for the following day.



Incoming packages will be inspected for contraband.  Any items not allowed in our Facility will be placed in inmate’s personal property.  The inmate will receive a property receipt stating the items in the package. All Clothing and Reading material must be sent to the facility from a retailer or distributer.


Any contraband will be confiscated, investigated and prosecuted in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.


Outgoing packages will be paid for from your commissary account.


Allowable items iclude the following:

Paperback books, magazines, puzzle books, newspapers, religious medallion or cross not to exceed 1 ½ inches on a small chain and any clothing listed prior to this section. Religious articles such as beads, Kufi, Yamaka, Kippa, Crowns, Prayers rugs etc. are also permitted providing they don’t pose a threat to the safety security of the facility.


The Lewis County Jail maintains a commissary where you may buy certain items, such as snack foods, stamps, stationary, etc.

Friends and Family may order using
or by calling 1-800-546-6283.

Any money on your person when you arrive and any money brought or sent in for you, will be deposited in a commissary account in your name.  Money sent or brought in must be in the form of cash or a money order.  Personal checks are not accepted.

The release of commissary funds to a person outside of the facility will be handled on an individual basis and must have the Jail Administrator’s approval. Releasing of commissary funds within the first week of incarceration will not need the Administrators’ approval.

When released you will be given a check for the remainder of your commissary balance. Checks issued to you will be cancelled after 90 days if not cashed. That money will then be considered abandoned and moved to the “Inmate Profit Account.”

Permissible Items List

  • Religious medallion or cross no longer than 1 ½ inches on a small chain, value not to exceed $50.  (This includes a rosary)

  • Wedding band with no stones if you are legally married.

  • Legal documents.

  • T-shirts (white or light gray, without writing or logos)  – 4 ea.

  • Briefs (any color)  –  4 ea.

  • Sweatpants (white or light gray, without writing or logos)  –  2 ea.

  • Sweatshirts (white or light gray, without writing or logos)  – 2 ea.

  • Socks (any color)  – 4 pr.

  • Long underwear (white or light gray, without logos)  – 2 pr. (In place of sweats)

  • Female Inmates may receive brassieres- max 4

  • Reading material (maximum of 5 paperback books, magazines, pamphlets, religious books, or any combination thereof).

  • Items bought through commissary.