Single Point of Access (SPOA)
Single Point of Access (SPOA) is operated by Lewis County government to enable adults and families easy, streamlined access to the mental health service system regardless of their financial resources or insurance status. While SPOA does not provide any direct services, the SPOA team can provide support and guidance to navigate the local system of care.
Contact the SPOA coordinator for more information at
315 377- 6014.
SPOA Application – Adult |
SPOA Application – Child Part 1 |
SPOA Application – Child Part 2
Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT)
Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) is the practice of providing community-based mental health treatment under civil court commitment, as a means of: (1) motivating an adult with mental illness who struggles with voluntary treatment adherence to engage fully with their treatment plan; and (2) focusing the attention of treatment providers on the need to work diligently to keep the person engaged in effective treatment.
Contact the AOT Coordinator for more information at
AOT Brochure |
AOT Application