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The right to vote is one of our nation’s oldest and most important entitlements, and with this right comes responsibility. Free and open elections are the basis on which this country was formed and you can make a difference by becoming a poll worker to help protect those freedoms.

What tasks will you perform as a poll worker?

  • Opening and Closing the Polls
  • Looking up Voters in Poll Pads
  • Distributing Ballots
  • Completing Required Paperwork
  • Handing out “I Voted” Stickers

 You are eligible to serve as a poll worker if you:

  • Registered Republican or Democrat in Lewis County
  • Attend a mandatory annual training class
  • Pass written test

Will you be paid?

Yes, Poll Workers get paid for training and each day they work. Interested in becoming an Election Day Worker apply Here or Contact our office at 315-376-5329.