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Board of Elections

BoE/DMV Building

7513 E State St
Lowville, NY 13367

Mailing Address

7513 E State St
Lowville, NY 13367

Fax: 315-376-2860

Hours: 8:30-4:30 M-F

The Board of Elections is charged with responsibility of overseeing that all election related activities are executed in accordance with the New York State Election Law as interpreted by the Lewis County Commissioners of Elections and the New York State Board of Elections.

All the latest voting information and election results can also be found at the NY State Board of Elections website. Military & Overseas Voters Click Here.

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Board of Elections Members

Deputy Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner

Voting in a Primary Election

To be eligible to vote in a Primary Election, you must be registered in the party that is having the Primary. 

Change of Party Enrollment

A change of enrollment received up until February 14th each year will be effective immediately. Changes received on or after February 15th until seven days after the June Primary will be set aside and opened the seventh day following the June Primary and entered in the voter’s registration record.

Interested in being an Election Day Inspector?

Email Hannah Wilson or Devin Kogut for more information

Help New York Vote!

Become a Poll Worker.

The right to vote is one of our nation’s oldest and most important entitlements, and with this right comes responsibility. Free and open elections are the basis on which this country was formed and you can make a difference by becoming a poll worker to help protect those freedoms.